Class PaperSplitter

  • public final class PaperSplitter
    extends java.lang.Object
    Prints large virtual pages by tiling them over multiple physical pages.
    Chris Jennings
    • Constructor Detail

      • PaperSplitter

        public PaperSplitter​(PaperProperties virtualPaper,
                             PaperProperties physicalPaper)
        Create a layout for splitting a virtual page over one or more physical ones. If the two paper types are the same, returns a special configuration that maps the two pages to each other exactly. Otherwise, a layout is created as follows:

        The printable area of each page is taken to be its margin. The upper-left corner of the document is mapped to the upper-left margin of the first page. The following pages assume that only the area within the margins was printed, and adjust the page to line up that edge with the margin of the next page.

        virtualPaper -
        physicalPaper -
    • Method Detail

      • getPrintOffsetForPage

        public java.awt.geom.Point2D getPrintOffsetForPage​(int physicalPage)
        Returns the offset to translate the virtual graphics context by to map it to a physical page.
        physicalPage - the physical page being printed
        the amount by which to translate the virtual page before printing
      • getVirtualPageForPage

        public int getVirtualPageForPage​(int physicalPage)
        Given a physical page number, determine the number of the virtual page being printed (assuming that they are all the same size). Essentially, this is floor(physicalPage/getPhysicalPagesPerPage()).
        the virtual page number
      • getPhysicalColumn

        public int getPhysicalColumn​(int physicalPage)
        Given a physical page number in the final printed document, returns its tile column.
        physicalPage - the physical page number
        the tile column of the page
      • getPhysicalRow

        public int getPhysicalRow​(int physicalPage)
        Given a physical page number in the final printed document, returns its tile row.
        physicalPage - the physical page number
        the tile row of the page
      • getPhysicalColumns

        public int getPhysicalColumns()
        Returns the number of columns of physical pages required for each virtual page.
        the number of columns of tiled pages
      • getPhysicalRows

        public int getPhysicalRows()
        Returns the number of rows of physical pages required for each virtual page.
        the number of rows of tiled pages
      • getPhysicalPagesPerPage

        public int getPhysicalPagesPerPage()
        Returns the number of physical pages required for each virtual page.
        the number of printed pages required to tile a single virtual page
      • getTotalPhysicalPagesRequired

        public int getTotalPhysicalPagesRequired​(int virtualPageCount)
        Returns the total number of physical pages needed to print a document.
        the number of pages required to print virtualPageCount virtual pages
      • createPrintable

        public java.awt.print.Printable createPrintable​(java.awt.print.Printable virtualPrintable)
        Returns a printable capable of printing physical pages by delegating to a printable that prints virtual pages. If the virtual printable takes up more than one physical page, then it will be printed multiple times using different translation and clip settings to cover the matching physical pages.
      • getPhysicalPageBeingPrinted

        public int getPhysicalPageBeingPrinted()
        Returns the index of the last physical page that was printed using a Printable instance created with createPrintable(java.awt.print.Printable). This is provided mainly for debugging from within the virtual printable's print method.
        the physical page last printed by a printable created from this splitter
      • isPrintableBounded

        public boolean isPrintableBounded()
      • setPrintableBounded

        public void setPrintableBounded​(boolean printableBounded)
      • getPrintableFrameWidth

        public float getPrintableFrameWidth()
      • setPrintableFrameWidth

        public void setPrintableFrameWidth​(float printableFrameWidth)
      • getPrintableFrameColor

        public java.awt.Color getPrintableFrameColor()
      • setPrintableFrameColor

        public void setPrintableFrameColor​(java.awt.Color printableFrameColor)