Class DeckTask

  • public class DeckTask
    extends NewTaskType
    An empty deck task. The main feature is support for automatically creating a deck from the cards in the task.
    Chris Jennings
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String KEY_COPIES_LIST_FILE
        The setting key that stores the name of the CopiesList file for the task.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeckTask

        public DeckTask()
    • Method Detail

      • taskCanHaveCopiesList

        public static boolean taskCanHaveCopiesList​(Task t)
        Returns true if the specified task is a kind that supports copies list files.
        t - the task to check
        true if it can contain copies files
      • getCopiesListFileName

        public static java.lang.String getCopiesListFileName​(Task t)
        Returns the name of the file that contains the copies list for the task, or null if this is not a deck or factory task. If the specified task is null, the default copies file name is returned.
        t - the task to check
        the name of the copies list file for the task, or null
      • setCopiesListFileName

        public static void setCopiesListFileName​(Task t,
                                                 java.lang.String fileName)
        Changes the name of the copies list file for this task. This does not change the name of the actual file, but changes the name of the file that project actions will look for to locate the copies list.
        t - the task to set the copies list name for
        fileName - the new name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the new name has an extension or the task type does not use copies lists
      • isCopiesList

        public static boolean isCopiesList​(Member m)
        Returns true if the given member is a copies list in a task.
        m - the member to test
        true if the member is the copies list file for its task
      • getLabel

        public java.lang.String getLabel()
        Description copied from class: NewTaskType
        Returns the localized, human-readable name of this task type.
        Specified by:
        getLabel in class NewTaskType
        the name displayed for this type in the new task dialog
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Description copied from class: NewTaskType
        Returns the localized, human-readable description of this task type as a simple HTML document.
        getDescription in class NewTaskType
        a description of the task supported by this task type
      • getType

        public java.lang.String getType()
        Description copied from class: NewTaskType
        Returns a string that describes the type of task created by this NewTaskType. The default implementation returns "TASK", the generic task type. Returning "PROJECT" is illegal, because that type is reserved to identify project folders. The type setting of new tasks of this type will be set to the value returned by this method.

        TaskActions often decide whether or not they can be applied to a given file based on the type and/or subtype of the task folder they belong to.

        Note that the type identifier returned by this method does not have to be unique.

        getType in class NewTaskType
        a non-null string describing the task type
      • initializeNewTask

        public boolean initializeNewTask​(Project project,
                                         Task task)
                                  throws java.lang.Throwable
        Description copied from class: NewTaskType
        This method is called when this task type is added to a project. By the time this is called, the task folder will already exist and the type, subtype, and icon settings will be filled in using the values returned from this object, if any.

        The project view will be synchronized with the task after this method returns, so any new files added to the task folder will be detected immediately.

        The default implementation does nothing, which means the user will simply have a new, empty task folder after adding the new task.

        This method should return true if the initialization is successful. If it returns false, or the method throws an exception, then the task folder will be deleted. If an exception was thrown, then a generic error message will be displayed; if the method returns false then it is assumed that the method displayed its own, more specific message.

        initializeNewTask in class NewTaskType
        project - the project that the task was added to
        task - the Member that represents the new task's folder
        true if initialization succeeded
        java.lang.Throwable - if an uncaught exception occurs during initialization