Class BlurFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class BlurFilter
    extends AbstractImageFilter
    A filter that performs a fast box blur operation. The operation is equivalent to convolving with a kernel where each element has a value equal to the inverse of the kernel size (a box blur).

    An option is provided to repeat the blurring process in-place. Successive box blurs approximate the effect of a GaussianBlurFilter, but require significantly less time as long as the number of iterations is small.

    The filter allows setting separate vertical and horizontal radii. The radii define the width and height of a rectangle (box) that determines the extent of the blur effect. The value of each pixel after filtering is determined by centering the pixel within the box and then computing the average value of all of the pixels within the box. By setting different values for the horizontal and vertical radius, it is possible to achieve various special effects, such as simulated motion blur.

    In-place filtering: This class supports in-place filtering (the source and destination images can be the same).

    Chris Jennings
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • BlurFilter

        public BlurFilter()
        Creates a blur filter with a radius of 3.
      • BlurFilter

        public BlurFilter​(int radius,
                          int iterations)
        Creates a blur filter with equal horizontal and vertical radii.
        radius - the radius of the blur
        iterations - the number of times to repeat the blur
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if radiusor iterations is negative
      • BlurFilter

        public BlurFilter​(int horzRadius,
                          int vertRadius,
                          int iterations)
        Creates a blur filter with the specified radii.
        horzRadius - the radius of the blur
        vertRadius - the radius of the blur
        iterations - the number of times to repeat the blur
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either radius or iterations is negative
    • Method Detail

      • setIterations

        public final void setIterations​(int iterations)
        Sets the number of times that the blurring operation should be repeated. (The number of iterations may be 0, in which case no blurring will actually occur.) Repeated blurring will produce successively closer approximations of a Gaussian blur (but typically requires much less time).
        iterations - the number of times to apply the blur filter
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the number of iterations is negative
      • getIterations

        public final int getIterations()
        Returns the number of times that the blurring operation will be repeated during filtering. This value may be 0, but cannot be negative.
        the number of times the blur effect is applied
      • setHorizontalRadius

        public final void setHorizontalRadius​(int hRadius)
        Sets the horizontal radius of the blur effect. The filter box will have a width of twice this radius, plus one.
        hRadius - the non-negative horizontal blur radius
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if hRadius is negative
      • getHorizontalRadius

        public final int getHorizontalRadius()
        Returns the current horizontal blur radius.
        the non-negative horizontal blur radius
      • setVerticalRadius

        public final void setVerticalRadius​(int vRadius)
        Sets the vertical radius of the blur effect. The filter box will have a height of twice this radius, plus one.
        vRadius - the non-negative vertical blur radius
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if vRadius is negative
      • getVerticalRadius

        public final int getVerticalRadius()
        Returns the current vertical blur radius.
        the non-negative vertical blur radius
      • setRadius

        public final void setRadius​(int radius)
        Sets the blur radius of the filter. This is a convenience method that sets both the horizontal and vertical radii to the same value.
        radius - the non-negative blur radius
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if radius is negative
      • setPremultiplied

        public final void setPremultiplied​(boolean enable)
        Sets whether pixel data will be processed with a premultiplied alpha channel. Setting this to true (the default) can avoid a common artifact that appears when transparent pixels are a very different colour than surrounding translucent or opaque pixels. The artifact manifests as a fringe of the non-matching colour(s) around the edges of the non-transparent parts of the image. Although premultiplication avoids this artifact, it also increases processing time and decreases colour accuracy.
        enable - if true, pixel values will be premultiplied by their alpha value before processing, and unpremultiplied afterward
      • isPremultiplied

        public final boolean isPremultiplied()
        Returns true if automatic premultiplication is enabled (the default).
        true if pixel values will be premultiplied by their alpha value before processing, and unpremultiplied afterward
        See Also:
      • filter

        public java.awt.image.BufferedImage filter​(java.awt.image.BufferedImage src,
                                                   java.awt.image.BufferedImage dst)
        Blurs the source image and places the result in a destination image. The destination image may be null, in which case a compatible image is created automatically. It may also be the source image, in which case the original image data is replaced by the result.
        src - the source image to blur
        dst - the destination image to copy the result to, or null
        the destination image