Class GlowFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class GlowFilter
    extends AbstractImageFilter
    A filter that applies a glow effect around the edge defined by the non-transparent parts of an image.

    If either the number of blurring iterations or the effect strength is zero, the glow effect will not be visible.

    Chris Jennings
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Creates a new glow filter with a yellow-white glow, width of 2, blur radius of 4, 1 iteration, strength of 2, and an outer glow.
      GlowFilter​(int color, int blurRadius, boolean outerGlow, int strength)
      Creates a new glow filter.
      GlowFilter​(int color, int strokeWidth, int blurRadius, int iterations, boolean outerGlow, int strength)
      Creates a new glow filter.
      GlowFilter​(java.awt.Color color, int blurRadius, boolean outerGlow, int strength)
      Creates a new glow filter.
      GlowFilter​(java.awt.Color color, int strokeWidth, int blurRadius, int iterations, boolean outerGlow, int strength)
      Creates a new glow filter.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GlowFilter

        public GlowFilter()
        Creates a new glow filter with a yellow-white glow, width of 2, blur radius of 4, 1 iteration, strength of 2, and an outer glow.
      • GlowFilter

        public GlowFilter​(int color,
                          int blurRadius,
                          boolean outerGlow,
                          int strength)
        Creates a new glow filter.
        color - the color, specified as an sRGB integer
        blurRadius - the blur radius for the glow
        outerGlow - if true, the filter produces an outer glow
        strength - the strength of the glow effect
      • GlowFilter

        public GlowFilter​(java.awt.Color color,
                          int blurRadius,
                          boolean outerGlow,
                          int strength)
        Creates a new glow filter.
        color - the color, specified as an sRGB integer
        blurRadius - the blur radius for the glow
        outerGlow - if true, the filter produces an outer glow
        strength - the strength of the glow effect
      • GlowFilter

        public GlowFilter​(int color,
                          int strokeWidth,
                          int blurRadius,
                          int iterations,
                          boolean outerGlow,
                          int strength)
        Creates a new glow filter.
        color - the color, specified as an sRGB integer
        strokeWidth - the width of the glow, exclusive of blurring
        blurRadius - the blur radius for the glow
        iterations - the number of iterations of the blurring effect
        outerGlow - if true, the filter produces an outer glow
        strength - the strength of the glow effect
      • GlowFilter

        public GlowFilter​(java.awt.Color color,
                          int strokeWidth,
                          int blurRadius,
                          int iterations,
                          boolean outerGlow,
                          int strength)
        Creates a new glow filter.
        color - the color, specified as an sRGB integer
        strokeWidth - the width of the glow, exclusive of blurring
        blurRadius - the blur radius for the glow
        iterations - the number of iterations of the blurring effect
        outerGlow - if true, the filter produces an outer glow
        strength - the strength of the glow effect
    • Method Detail

      • getColorRGB

        public int getColorRGB()
        Returns the current glow colour as an ARGB integer value.
        the glow colour in 0xAARRGGBB format
      • setColorRGB

        public void setColorRGB​(int color)
        Sets the current glow colour using an ARGB integer.
        color - the glow colour in 0xAARRGGBB format
      • getColor

        public java.awt.Color getColor()
        Returns the current glow colour as an ARGB integer value.
        the glow colour
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(java.awt.Color color)
        Sets the current glow colour using a Color instance.
        color - the glow color
      • setBlurRadius

        public void setBlurRadius​(int radius)
        Sets the blurring radius of the glow effect.
        radius - the blur radius of the glow effect, in pixels
      • getBlurRadius

        public int getBlurRadius()
        Returns the radius of the blurring applied to the glow effect.
        the blur radius of the glow effect, in pixels
      • setDistance

        public void setDistance​(int blurRadius)
        Replaced by setBlurRadius(int).
        Sets the blurring radius of the glow effect.
        blurRadius - the blur radius of the glow effect, in pixels
      • getDistance

        public int getDistance()
        Replaced by getBlurRadius().
        Returns the radius of the blurring applied to the glow effect.
        the blur radius of the glow effect, in pixels
      • setWidth

        public void setWidth​(int size)
        The size of glow, exclusive of blurring.
        size - the glow size, in pixels
      • getWidth

        public int getWidth()
        Returns the glow size, exclusive of blurring.
        the glow size, in pixels
      • isOuterGlow

        public boolean isOuterGlow()
        Returns true if the filter will produce an outer glow, or false if the filter will produce an inner glow.
        true for an outer glow type; false for an inner glow type
      • setOuterGlow

        public void setOuterGlow​(boolean outerGlow)
        Sets the type of glow effect to grow inward from the edge, outward from the edge, or both.
        outerGlow - true for an outer glow type; false for an inner glow type
      • getStrength

        public int getStrength()
        Returns the strength of the glow effect. Higher values produce a more intense glow.
        the positive glow effect strength
      • setStrength

        public void setStrength​(int strength)
        Sets the strength of the glow effect. Any non-negative value is valid, but typical values are in the range 1 to 8. Higher values will produce a more intense (less translucent) glow.
        strength - the positive intensity of the glow effect
      • setIterations

        public void setIterations​(int iterations)
        Sets the number of blurring iterations that will be applied to the glow effect. This value may be 0, but cannot be negative. The default is one; higher values will produce a smoother glow effect but will also increase the extent of the glow.
      • getIterations

        public int getIterations()
        Returns the number of blurring iterations that will be applied to the glow effect. This value may be 0, but cannot be negative.
        the number of times the blur effect is applied
      • setSourceImagePainted

        public void setSourceImagePainted​(boolean paintSource)
        Sets whether the original image will be included in the output. If true, the glow effect will be combined with the original image.
        paintSource - true to include the image the effect applies to, false to produce the glow effect only
      • isSourceImagePainted

        public boolean isSourceImagePainted()
        Returns true if the original source image appears in the destination.
        true to include the image the effect applies to, false to produce the glow effect only
      • filter

        public java.awt.image.BufferedImage filter​(java.awt.image.BufferedImage src,
                                                   java.awt.image.BufferedImage dest)