Class PlatformSupport

  • public class PlatformSupport
    extends java.lang.Object
    This utility class provides methods that help integrate an application into the native operating system more cleanly. It is pure Java code.
    Chris Jennings
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static boolean PLATFORM_IS_MAC
      True if the JVM is running on an Apple macOS operating system.
      static boolean PLATFORM_IS_OSX
      Alias for PLATFORM_IS_MAC.
      static boolean PLATFORM_IS_OTHER
      True if running on a non-Windows, non-maxOS operating system.
      static boolean PLATFORM_IS_WINDOWS
      True if the JVM is running on a Windows operating system.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static javax.swing.JButton getAgnosticCancel​(boolean isInOKCancelOrder, javax.swing.JButton designedOK, javax.swing.JButton designedCancel)
      Return the button that will be (or is) the Cancel button in an agnostic dialog.
      static javax.swing.JButton getAgnosticOK​(boolean isInOKCancelOrder, javax.swing.JButton designedOK, javax.swing.JButton designedCancel)
      Return the button that will be (or is) the OK button in an agnostic dialog.
      static javax.swing.KeyStroke getKeyStroke​(java.lang.String stroke)
      Parse a string to create a KeyStroke appropriate as an accelerator for the native OS.
      static void installNativeLookAndFeel()
      Call this method before opening any Swing windows to install the native look and feel.
      static boolean isAgnosticOKInFirstPosition()
      Returns true if the OK button should be left (ahead) of the Cancel button on this platform.
      static javax.swing.JButton makeAgnosticDialog​(AgnosticDialog dialog, boolean isInOKCancelOrder, javax.swing.JButton designedOK, javax.swing.JButton designedCancel)
      Initialize an AgnosticDialog by swapping the OK and Cancel buttons, if appropriate, and attaching action listeners to the AgnosticDialog.handleOKAction(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) and AgnosticDialog.handleCancelAction(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) methods.
      static javax.swing.JButton makeAgnosticDialog​(AgnosticDialog dialog, javax.swing.JButton designedOK, javax.swing.JButton designedCancel)
      A convenience method for makeAgnosticDialog( dialog, true, designedOK, designedCancel ), which assumes that the dialog buttons are in "Windows order" (OK on the left, Cancel on the right).
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final boolean PLATFORM_IS_MAC
        True if the JVM is running on an Apple macOS operating system.

        public static final boolean PLATFORM_IS_OSX
        Alias for PLATFORM_IS_MAC.

        public static final boolean PLATFORM_IS_WINDOWS
        True if the JVM is running on a Windows operating system.

        public static final boolean PLATFORM_IS_OTHER
        True if running on a non-Windows, non-maxOS operating system. Typically this means a Unix-like operating system such as Linux.
    • Method Detail

      • makeAgnosticDialog

        public static javax.swing.JButton makeAgnosticDialog​(AgnosticDialog dialog,
                                                             javax.swing.JButton designedOK,
                                                             javax.swing.JButton designedCancel)
        A convenience method for makeAgnosticDialog( dialog, true, designedOK, designedCancel ), which assumes that the dialog buttons are in "Windows order" (OK on the left, Cancel on the right).
        dialog - the dialog or other control to be reordered
        designedOK - the button used as the OK button in the design
        designedCancel - the button used as the Cancel button in the design
        the button that will be used as the OK button
      • makeAgnosticDialog

        public static javax.swing.JButton makeAgnosticDialog​(AgnosticDialog dialog,
                                                             boolean isInOKCancelOrder,
                                                             javax.swing.JButton designedOK,
                                                             javax.swing.JButton designedCancel)
        Initialize an AgnosticDialog by swapping the OK and Cancel buttons, if appropriate, and attaching action listeners to the AgnosticDialog.handleOKAction(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) and AgnosticDialog.handleCancelAction(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) methods.

        This method should generally be applied during the window's construction, before it is first made visible.

        By default, this method will automatically swap the text, icon, mnemonic, displayed mnemonic index, and default button status of the two buttons if they need to be swapped. No other properties are changed. For complete control over the actions taken when a swap occurs, implement QueriedAgnosticDialog instead. This is a subinterface of AgnosticDialog.


        1. You must ensure that this method is only called once for a given AgnosticDialog during its lifetime, or the button order will be inconsistent and the action events will be called multiple times.
        2. Although referred to in the general sense as the "OK" button, the text of this button should name the specific action it will perform.
        dialog - the dialog or other control to be reordered
        isInOKCancelOrder - true is the dialog is designed with designedOK on the left
        designedOK - the button that was designed to be the "OK" (accept, commit) button
        designedCancel - the button that was designed to be the "Cancel" button
        the button that will be used as the OK button
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either button is null or if they refer to the same object
      • getAgnosticOK

        public static javax.swing.JButton getAgnosticOK​(boolean isInOKCancelOrder,
                                                        javax.swing.JButton designedOK,
                                                        javax.swing.JButton designedCancel)
        Return the button that will be (or is) the OK button in an agnostic dialog. This can be called before or after makeAgnosticDialog(ca.cgjennings.platform.AgnosticDialog, javax.swing.JButton, javax.swing.JButton).
        isInOKCancelOrder - true is the dialog is designed with designedOK on the left
        designedOK - the button that was designed as the "OK" (accept, commit) button
        designedCancel - the button that was designed as the "Cancel" button
        the button that will represent the OK button in an agnostic dialog
      • getAgnosticCancel

        public static javax.swing.JButton getAgnosticCancel​(boolean isInOKCancelOrder,
                                                            javax.swing.JButton designedOK,
                                                            javax.swing.JButton designedCancel)
        Return the button that will be (or is) the Cancel button in an agnostic dialog. This can be called before or after makeAgnosticDialog(ca.cgjennings.platform.AgnosticDialog, javax.swing.JButton, javax.swing.JButton).
        isInOKCancelOrder - true is the dialog is designed with designedOK on the left
        designedOK - the button that was designed as the "OK" (accept, commit) button
        designedCancel - the button that was designed as the "Cancel" button
        the button that will represent the OK button in an agnostic dialog
      • isAgnosticOKInFirstPosition

        public static boolean isAgnosticOKInFirstPosition()
        Returns true if the OK button should be left (ahead) of the Cancel button on this platform.
        true if OK comes before Cancel; false if it comes after
      • installNativeLookAndFeel

        public static void installNativeLookAndFeel()
        Call this method before opening any Swing windows to install the native look and feel. If they are available in the classpath, various OS-specific optimizations and patches may also be installed.
      • getKeyStroke

        public static javax.swing.KeyStroke getKeyStroke​(java.lang.String stroke)
        Parse a string to create a KeyStroke appropriate as an accelerator for the native OS. The string must have the following syntax:
            <modifiers>* (<typedID> | <pressedReleasedID>)
            modifiers := menu | shift | control | ctrl | meta | alt | altGraph
            typedID := typed <typedKey>
            typedKey := string of length 1 giving Unicode character.
            pressedReleasedID := (pressed | released) key
            key := KeyEvent key code name, without the "VK_" prefix.
        If typed, pressed or released is not specified, pressed is assumed.

        The special pseudo-modifier "menu" will be converted into the correct menu accelerator key for the native platform. For example, "menu X" will be treated as "ctrl X" on the Windows platform, but as "meta X" (which is Command key + X) on Max OS X platform. Note that there is no way to determine from the returned KeyStroke instance whether the "menu" modifier was used or not.

        stroke - a string formatted as above
        a KeyStroke object representing the specified key event