Class SETemplateProcessor

  • public class SETemplateProcessor
    extends TemplateProcessor
    An extension of the basic TemplateProcessor which supports additional symbols for looking up localized Strange Eons Language strings. Template processors assist in the automated writing of scripts and other text files by filling in a template file using variables and simple boolean conditions.

    Sections of the template that are to be generated automatically are marked with symbols. A symbol consists of a special token placed between braces. The tokens begin with a specific marker character and are followed by an identifier. The identifier may consist of any characters except spaces or the closing brace. The following codes are recognized:

    Replaces the symbol with an interface Language string with the given key.

    Replaces the symbol with a game Language string with the given key.

    Replaces the symbol with the value of the specified variable. Throws an exception if the variable is undefined.

    {?condition} ... {/?condition}
    If the condition is set to true, then the text between the start and end symbols will be included in the document. Otherwise, it will be left out. Throws an exception if the condition has not been set.

    {!condition} ... {/!condition}
    If the condition is set to false, then the text between the start and end symbols will be included in the document. Otherwise, it will be left out. Throws an exception if the condition has not been set.

    Chris Jennings
    • Constructor Detail

      • SETemplateProcessor

        public SETemplateProcessor​(java.util.Locale locale)
      • SETemplateProcessor

        public SETemplateProcessor()
    • Method Detail

      • setInterfaceLanguage

        public void setInterfaceLanguage​(Language ui)
        Sets the language to be used for @-symbols. (The default value is Language.getInterface().)
        ui - the UI language to set
      • setGameLanguage

        public void setGameLanguage​(Language game)
        Sets the language to be used for #-symbols. (The default value is Language.getGame().)
        game - the game language to set
      • processSymbol

        protected java.lang.String processSymbol​(java.lang.StringBuilder buffer,
                                                 java.lang.String symbol,
                                                 char code,
                                                 java.lang.String name,
                                                 java.lang.String remainder)
        Description copied from class: TemplateProcessor
        This method is called to process a symbol. Subclasses may override it to extend the template processor's capabilities. The pattern for doing so is to first check the code against those codes that you wish to handle and then either handle the symbol in the subclass or return the result of the super implementation. A typical code pattern is:
         protected String processSymbol( StringBuilder buffer, String symbol, char code, String name, String remainder ) {
             switch( code ) {
                 case '*':
                     buffer.append( "text for a *-code with variable name: " + name );
                 // ...
                     remainder = super( buffer, symbol, code, name, remainder );
             return remainder;
        processSymbol in class TemplateProcessor
        buffer - a buffer that the symbol's replacement text, if any, should be appended to
        symbol - the full text of the symbol, e.g., {%variable}
        code - the single-character code identifying the symbol type, e.g., %
        name - the name part of the the symbol following the code, e.g., variable
        remainder - the template text that follows the symbol
        the template text that follows the symbol after the symbol is processed (usually just remainder)
      • processFromResource

        public java.lang.String processFromResource​(java.lang.String templateResource)
        Processes a template stored in the application resources. The template file must use the UTF-8 text encoding.
        templateResource - the resource to process
        the completed template
      • escapeScriptString

        public static java.lang.String escapeScriptString​(java.lang.String s)
        Creates a JavaScript string literal from a plain string. The string literal will be surrounded with 'single quotes', and newlines, tabs, backslashes, and single quotes within the string will be escaped.
        s - the source string
        the string literal
      • escapeJavaString

        public static java.lang.String escapeJavaString​(java.lang.String s)
        Creates a Java string literal from a plain string. The string literal will be surrounded with "double quotes", and newlines, tabs, backslashes, and double quotes will be escaped.
        s - the source string
        the string literal