Class PropertyFileCodeSupport.PropertyNavigator

    • Constructor Detail

      • PropertyNavigator

        public PropertyNavigator()
      • PropertyNavigator

        public PropertyNavigator​(boolean ignoreColons)
    • Method Detail

      • createNavigationPoint

        protected NavigationPoint createNavigationPoint​(java.util.regex.Matcher m,
                                                        java.lang.String sourceText,
                                                        boolean initialize)
        Description copied from class: RegexNavigatorBase
        Called with each match result to create a navigation point based on the match. May return null to indicate that no point should be added for the match. The base class returns a simple point based on the text and location of the match.
        createNavigationPoint in class RegexNavigatorBase
        m - the match information
        sourceText - the source text
        initialize - if true, this is the first match of a new pass
        a navigation point for the match, or null