Class AbbreviationTable

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class AbbreviationTable
    extends java.lang.Object
    An abbreviation table stores a set of abbreviations. Abbreviations can be matched against a context string, which typically consists of the last several characters that were typed.
    Chris Jennings
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void clear()
      Removes all abbreviations from the table.
      boolean expandAbbreviation​(CodeEditorBase ed)
      Expands an abbreviation inline in the specified editor.
      AbbreviationTable.Expansion expandAbbreviation​(java.lang.String context)
      Returns the expansion for the longest abbreviation that is a suffix of the context string.
      boolean expandAbbreviation​(javax.swing.text.JTextComponent ed, char suffixToIgnore)
      Expands an abbreviation inline in a Swing text component.
      java.lang.String get​(java.lang.String abbrev)
      Returns the expansion of the abbreviation.
      int getMaximumAbbreviationLength()
      Returns the length of the longest abbreviation in the table, or 0 if the table is empty.
      AbbreviationTable getParent()
      Returns the parent table of this table, or null if this table has no parent defined.
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> keySet()
      Returns a set of all of the currently defined abbreviations.
      void load​( f)
      Loads an abbreviation table from a file.
      void load​( in)
      Loads an abbreviation table from an input stream.
      void load​( in)
      Loads an abbreviation table from a reader.
      void load​( url)
      Loads an abbreviation table from a URL.
      void put​(java.lang.String abbrev, java.lang.String expansion)
      Adds a new abbreviation to the table.
      void remove​(java.lang.String abbrev)
      Removes an abbreviation from the table.
      void setParent​(AbbreviationTable parent)
      Sets the parent table for this table.
      int size()
      Returns the number of abbreviations in the table.
      void store​( out)
      Writes an abbreviation table to a file.
      void store​( out)
      Writes an abbreviation table to an output stream.
      void store​( out)
      Writes an abbreviation table to a stream writer.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbbreviationTable

        public AbbreviationTable()
        Creates a new, empty abbreviation table.
      • AbbreviationTable

        public AbbreviationTable​(AbbreviationTable toCopy)
        Creates a new abbreviation table whose entries match the specified source table.
        toCopy - the table to copy entries from
    • Method Detail

      • put

        public void put​(java.lang.String abbrev,
                        java.lang.String expansion)
        Adds a new abbreviation to the table.
        abbrev - the abbreviation
        expansion - the text that the abbreviation expands to (is short for)
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if either parameter is null
      • get

        public java.lang.String get​(java.lang.String abbrev)
        Returns the expansion of the abbreviation. If an abbreviation is not defined by this table, then null is returned unless this table has a parent. If it has a parent, then the parent's expansion for the abbreviation is returned as if by calling getParent().get( abbrev ).
        abbrev - the abbreviation to expand
        the expansion, or null if none is defined
        See Also:
        put(java.lang.String, java.lang.String), setParent(ca.cgjennings.ui.textedit.AbbreviationTable)
      • setParent

        public final void setParent​(AbbreviationTable parent)
        Sets the parent table for this table. If there is no expansion defined for an abbreviation in this table, and the parent table is non-null, then the expansion from the parent table (if any) will be returned instead. The only methods whose return value is affected by the parent are get(java.lang.String) and getMaximumAbbreviationLength(). (For example, keySet() returns only the keys immediately defined in this table. It does not include the keys defined in the parent table.)
        parent - the new parent table to set for this table
        See Also:
      • keySet

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> keySet()
        Returns a set of all of the currently defined abbreviations.
        a set of the defined abbreviations
      • remove

        public void remove​(java.lang.String abbrev)
        Removes an abbreviation from the table.
        abbrev - the abbreviation to remove
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the abbreviation is null
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Removes all abbreviations from the table.
      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the number of abbreviations in the table.
        the number of abbreviations
      • getMaximumAbbreviationLength

        public int getMaximumAbbreviationLength()
        Returns the length of the longest abbreviation in the table, or 0 if the table is empty. If the table has a parent, then the larger of this table's maximum abbreviation and the parent table's is returned.
        the longest abbreviation
      • expandAbbreviation

        public AbbreviationTable.Expansion expandAbbreviation​(java.lang.String context)
        Returns the expansion for the longest abbreviation that is a suffix of the context string. Ideally, the context string has length getMaximumAbbreviationLength(), but any length string can be provided.
        context - the context for expanding the abbreviation
        the expansion of the longest abbreviation a for which context.endsWith( a ) is true, or null
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the context string is null
      • expandAbbreviation

        public boolean expandAbbreviation​(CodeEditorBase ed)
        Expands an abbreviation inline in the specified editor. The context for the expansion will be taken from the text immediately prior to the current caret position. If the context matches an abbreviation, then the abbreviation will be replaced by the expansion and the method will return true. Otherwise, the method returns false. If the editor has a non-empty selection, this method will always return false.
        ed - the editor to expand an abbreviation in
        true if an abbreviation was expanded
      • expandAbbreviation

        public boolean expandAbbreviation​(javax.swing.text.JTextComponent ed,
                                          char suffixToIgnore)
        Expands an abbreviation inline in a Swing text component. The context for the expansion will be taken from the text immediately prior to the current caret position. If the context matches an abbreviation, then the abbreviation will be replaced by the expansion and the method will return true. Otherwise, the method returns false. If the editor has a non-empty selection, this method will have no effect.
        ed - the editor to expand an abbreviation in
        suffixToIgnore - if this is not equal to '\0' and it is the last character before the caret, it is ignored (it will not form part of the expansion context)
        true if an abbreviation was expanded
      • load

        public void load​( in)
        Loads an abbreviation table from an input stream.
        in - the stream to read from
        Throws: - if an I/O occurs
      • load

        public void load​( in)
        Loads an abbreviation table from a reader.
        in - the reader to read from
        Throws: - if an I/O occurs
      • load

        public void load​( url)
        Loads an abbreviation table from a URL.
        url - the URL to read from
        Throws: - if an I/O occurs
      • load

        public void load​( f)
        Loads an abbreviation table from a file.
        f - the file to read from
        Throws: - if an I/O occurs
      • store

        public void store​( out)
        Writes an abbreviation table to an output stream.
        out - the stream to write to
        Throws: - if an I/O occurs
      • store

        public void store​( out)
        Writes an abbreviation table to a stream writer.
        out - the writer to write to
        Throws: - if an I/O error occurs
      • store

        public void store​( out)
        Writes an abbreviation table to a file.
        out - the file to write to
        Throws: - if an I/O error occurs